Classroom Management
Arrival time and preparation
The standard time for an average academy is to arrive no more than one hour prior to the first class. This allows for ample preparation time and for any problems such as schedule change or any messages that need to be relayed.
Preparation materials textbooks, CDs, tapes, flashcards, newspaper articles, internet resources:
- You should copy material you think is relevant for any class. You will teach a book as a main focus, but it can be fun to digress to another topic to keep children’s attention. For example, a western media source congratulating Park Ji Sung for a goal he has scored for Manchester United might be far more interesting than Go-Go the dinosaur to a group of 14 year old boys.
- You ought to have a timetable which tells you which books you are to use for each class. If you don’t know, ask for a timetable, or make your own once you know which books are used for each class.
- Make sure that your books are ready prior to class and that you aware where you left off last time in order to ensure a smooth progression. Try to teach the target language as thoroughly as possible. Speedily flipping through pages will not be appreciated and learning will be negligible.
- Look through the textbooks and make notes on how to expand the topic that you are teaching. This will assist you greatly in your preparation of any secondary material.
- It’s a recommendation that you keep a diary or schedule book in order to remember what you have taught and what you will teach. Include any ideas you might have to make it more fun for the students.